Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Real World: The Country

It appears as though this summer could well entail a temporary (though extended) stay at my country house. In previous seasons of "Real World: The Country" cast members included a former nanny, said nanny's work-at-home fiance, their albino cat who was confined to the basement, and an incredibly loquacious friend of lynnie's who slept on the couch and whom we avoided as much as possible. This season's cast will see the addition of Aunt Nancy and the Ronster Monster (the RM) and of course Woody and Splash. So all told, the housemates will include: 2 aunts, 2 uncles, 2 cousins, 4 dogs, 4 cats and ME!!! Oh boy, what a way to say hello to 30!!

Unsurprisingly, the planning of summer activities has begun in earnest. Nancy and I are set to have a summer book club where we will read and discuss the building and defense of our great democracy. First selection: The Federalist Papers. The dog agility course is on order and ready to be assembled in the back yard (I think Rafa is going to really excel at this). Standing appointments have been set up for 6am workout's with Nancy's trainer. So, last night as we were rattling off these plans , Nancy took a slight detour to talk about my cousin Hannah's recent dance recital (a 3 day event that I was informed I should put on my calendar now) where she performed routines in jazz, ballet, hip-hop and tap. Nancy expressed genuine enthusiasm for all the performances but told me that tap was now on her "bucket list"...the list of things of things she would like to do before she kicks the bucket. I said "you want to learn to tap?" to which she humbly responded "Carly, I don't know how I CAN'T learn". She has already consulted with the RM about the construction of a ply-wood dance floor in the basement.

This is going to be awesome.