Thursday, June 11, 2009

Here Comes the Sun. Or Not.

One day it started raining, and it didn't quit for four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain... and big ol' fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath. - Forrest Gump

I have been thinking variations of that sentiment since what feels like forever. The calendar says that it is the middle of June. A cursory glance out the widow, however, says early March. WTF weather?!?! It feels like it has been gray and damp for eternity. And, frankly, I have had enough!

When I was in middle school I remeber reading this short story by Ray Bradbury. I can't remember what it was called but it told the story of a planet where it was only sunny once every 4 years (or something like that). Every other day it just rained or was dark (again, I can't remember the title so I may be taking some liberties with the details here). Well, on the day that it was going to be sunny, the kids at school were getting ready to go outside for recess and soak up enough glorious sunshine to get them through the next interminable rain spell. That was all well and good for everyone EXCEPT THE GIRL THEY LOCKED IN THE CLOSET.

I feel like that little girl right now, like I may never see sun again.


nicegirlfromthemidwest said...

Augh! That story has haunted me since childhood. I was just discussing it with my mom the other day. It's called All Summer in a Day.

LittleCheetah said...

And it was once every 7 years.

Carly said...

Thank you for the title and clarification. Much appreciated. Now if either of you could make the sun come out, that would be great. Thanks in advance for your help.

Ross Gibson said...

Fahrenheit 451 is much more uplifting.

Briebolger said...

That story haunted me as well. A tear just slid down my left cheek.