It's been so long, I hardly know where to begin! Well, since most of my recent absence was due to a week-long trip to Costa Rica, I suppose I'll start there. It was a week of adventure, relaxation, and LOADS of family time. Some highlights are below:
They day went roughly like this. Captain Bob and I (with the help of skipper Bing) scooted off shore approximately 12 miles searching for mahi mahi or marlin. I had visions of a delicious grilled dinner and possibly catching something big enough to stuff and mount above my bed (the fellas love a sporty chick). Unfortunately for us the fish were a little too sneaky that day and were able to avoid all 12 of the lines we had in the water. After about and hour of pleasant circling we headed in.
It was almost at this exact moment that the winds decided to make their presence known. At first it was great fun bouncing over waves. I sat in the front of the boat and yelled "wheeee" everytime we hit one big enough to momentarily eject me from my seat. What started as a few cheap thrills quickly turned to straight nautical distress. There were 10 foot swells, 50 MPH winds (captain bob's estimation), and white-caps as far as I could see. I began singing the Gilligan's Island theme song in my head.
As I was clutching on to the side of the boat for dear life, my father leaned around to ask if his eldest (and dare I say favorite) daugter was doing ok. I gave him the thumbs up (I didn't actually think I was going to die and indicating any fear would have brought on mockery I was not prepared to deal with). He acknowleged the thumbs up and said "Good, wanna see if you can get some photos of this!!". Uhhhhh sure dad, let me just release the grip that is keeping me inside the boat as opposed to the watery grave below and capture a few candids.
When I lived in Germantown there was a dog next door named Conrad. Poor Conrad was kept outside on my neighbor's porch in all manner of inclement weather. Each evening when I would come home Conrad would poke his little (ok, rather large) snout through the fence to say hello. I always gave Conrad a large biscuit and a warm greeting. Sometimes, I would give Conrad a special treat and slide him over some leftovers from dinner. One evening I gave Conrad a delicious lamb chop. I placed it down for him on his side of the fence and went to give him a "Good Boy Conrad" pat on the head. At this point, Conrad forgot all of his neighborly graces and tried to devour my hand.
Lesson learned: do not pet unknown pooches on the head when delicious treats are placed before them.
Fast forward: Costa 2009.
I was taking a friendly photo shoot of my favorite Latin pooch Cortez. To compliment him on some really excellent shots (see above) I went to pat him on the head to say "Bueno Pero Cortez". He then went in to finish what Conrad had started and had my whole hand in his mouth in a split second. CHOMP!!
yeah right all better...crying and not being able to stand. AND you didn't mention me
Not sure how I feel about the bloody tissue in the last photo. I mean, I get the need for it as an emphasizer...but it's gross.
KJD, you are not alone in your dislike/disgust for that photo. My other friend Kelly also thought it was inappropriate. you know what I think is inappropriate? WHEN A DOG TRIES TO BITE OFF MY THUMB!!!
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