Friday, May 22, 2009

Inexcusable and Indefensible

I apologize for being so delinquent in getting this post up. I have big news to share (albeit belatedly) : IT'S A BOY!!!!

My months long search for a puppy to call my very own has come to an end. I've had to deal with allergic idiots and crazy dog people to get him but I was steadfast in my resolve and the pup is, at long last, here.

Unsurprisingly perhaps, his name is Rafa. My Rafa from Philly brings me even more joy than My Rafa from Mallorca. We are early to bed and early to rise and spend our time walking around the hood eating trash off the ground (Rafa) and sticking our hands down puppy throats to retrieve trash (Carly Pumpkin). He is universally a hit...adored by people and dogs alike (except for that homicidal Scottie at the dog park).

Like peas and carrots me and my rafa are...and for those of you wondering, he absolutely, unequivocally adores my dog voice.


Unknown said...

sure he does...

brie said...

no living being enjoys your dog voice

laura said...

the dog voice does not bother me, honestly... carly, don't listen to those girls...