Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Be Still My Beating Heart

I used to be a faithful Idol watcher, texting in to support the likes of Kelly, Ruben, and Fantasia. Fantasia's "Summertime" made me cry and Kelly Clarkson's lyrics still guide me to this day. My allegiance to the show, however, has waned in recent years. But 2009 is the year of the Idol come back!!!! Tonight we find out who will be in the final and I am giddy with anticipation.
I am sure you all have been waiting with bated breath for me to weigh in on this topic. Here's my rundown of the contenders:

Adam Lambert: is a freak. I like him sometimes but generally I think he screams too much. And I hate scream-y music.

Danny Gokey: I do not like Danny Gokey. He can sing but he is boring. booo Gokey.

Kris Allen: Oh boy do I love me some Kris Allen. He is a better version of the Guy Who Sings Cover Songs (GWSCS) at the bar in college. Girls really love GWSCS and I was no exception. You with your moveable hair and your acoustic guitar. Watching KA's version of Heartless last night, I was transcended to 2002 and my senior year in college. I began wondering if he was going to be at the Alpha Delt late night.

The Idol version of The Guy Who Sings Covers Songs, though, seems to have some distinct improvements over the orginal (jackson rohm at my school). His failure to call out drink orders during his performances seems to suggest that he is not a full-blown alcoholic. His being married also might suggest that he is not teeming with college-town STDs. And finally, his career certainly appears to be on a better trajecotry than the guy who sold out Stadium (the bar...not an actual stadium) at Miami University.

I am really pulling for you Kris.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Kitten, it's like you are directly inside of my head. Brings me back to CA street. Go KRIS!