Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A Tree Grows in Fairmount

2009 is going to be a year of growth and life for me. And Yesterday I got a jumpstart on my New Year's goals and embarked on what I know will be a wonderful and transformative experience. I am going to bring life into this world: I am going to grow a tree. Several trees actually. They will start as small little seedlings in my apartment. With proper love, care, and water they will grow into full-blown trees like you might find in nature!

The particular tree I am growing is called Solanum Quitoense it has a beautiful purple star shaped flower and produces a delcious fruit called the Lulo...a Costa Rican specialty!! I will be testing several methods for growing my lulos. I will start one batch from seeds ordered from the Internets, another batch from baby Lulo plants (also ordered on the Internets), and a final batch from seeds that I intend to smuggle home from my upcoming trip to Costa.

Though the seeds have yet to arrive and these bad boys take a solid six months to grow, I already have visions of me in a big hat with a water can out on my patio tending to my crops. And by my calculations I will be stepping out back to pick fresh lulos for breakfast by July!

Stay tuned for Lulo updates!!

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