Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Feel good film of the decade?? Are you f-ing kidding me?

I am not sure how, with all of the Oscar buzz and people absolutely fawning over the movie, that the warning never made its way to me. But seriously, SOMEONE should have told me that no matter what, no matter how tempting, no matter how many Oscars, that I should never, ever, under any circumstances see Slumdog Millionaire.

I think there is really enough blame to go around on this one. The misinformation campaign for this film is right up there with GW Bush and the tobacco companies. WHY would you show me a song and dance routine? You know I can not bypass a strong piece of choreography. Couple that with a catchy song (you're next MIA)... I didn't stand a chance.

And what about the people who actually saw this movie (friends of mine) who then did not immediately forbid me from ever seeing it. I am disgusted with you.

So I ended up watching this "film" on my laptop in the backseat on the way to VA for a wedding this weekend. Bad bad idea. 1 hour and 56 minutes of unimaginable suffering and 4 brief minutes of redemption at the end.

1 star out of 5. Despite a happy ending this film contains gratuitous filth, sadness, poverty, and despair.


Unknown said...

I am 99% sure that I texted you FROM the theater with a strong warning against the film. It was a long time ago, but still.

Anonymous said...

I did not see it, so I could not warn you. But now I won't see it, so some good has come from this.

colleen said...

sorry, "anonymous" is me.

Sean said...

What?!?!?! How could you not like this movie? Slumdog was incredible. The movie was more entertaining than the whopping Del Potro put on Nadal on Sunday in the US Open Semifinals.

Kori said...

I feel the same way about 500 Days of Summer. Sorry, wish I could have warned you but you can blame Kelly for bad movies, I do.

Federico Lopez said...

So, the movie was brilliant and effective! It engaged you and got you to write about it. Those fifty-six minutes of heart-wrenching human suffering gave you four minutes of pure joyful ecstasy. Not a bad bargain in my book. Now you should see The Cove. I dare you!

Katie said...

Next, you're going to say something even more ridiculous, like, "I hated Mr. Holland's Opus."

Carly said...

Katie, consider yourself lucky that you did not know me when I saw that critically acclaimed train wreck: "In America"