Monday, August 31, 2009

Don't Make Me Use This!!!!!

As you may recall I have recently come under strong advisement by my father to purchase pepper spray...necessary arms for walking the Rafa at odd hours. After several empty promises to purchase and one actual lie about having purchased it- my safety-minded co-worker, Stacy, intervened on my behalf, and bought me some pepper spray.

JUST IN TIME as it turns out.

I was heading in from my evening walk with Rafa tonight only to be greeted by a mumbling, drunk, lunatic at my doorstep. I have no problem with having a few too many at happens to the best of us. I DO, however, have a problem when that overindulgence leads one to believe that my front stoop is their home and that I am someone to whom they can speak crossly.

Rafa and I tried to ignore the loiterer but this guy was having NONE of it. He tried to ask me a question and persisted after I ignored him. I finally turned around to acknowledege him with my finger on the trigger ready to put liquid peppers right into his eyes if he pulled anything. He was speaking jibberish and I was in no mood to fight so I opted to cross the street and wait it out. But the creep FOLLOWED me. I then yanked on Rafa and pulled him toward the safety of a nearby restaurant. Fortunately, I am an in excellent physical shape and have no problem outrunning a staggering drunk guy.

From the safe harbor of the Belgian Cafe, I was able to call 911 (fool me once, bad guys...) and Philly's finest came right away and carted him off. If you ask me, he got off easy. Trust me - he did NOT want to mess with the business end of my pepper spray!!


Unknown said...

Fantastic post!! I love that safety is the main topic. As the saftey conscience co-worker....I have a bot of advice from Poppa Wo "keep your wits about you". It has served me well!

Briebolger said...

you need a taser!

Unknown said...

Good for you!

colleen said...

Creepy situation, but you handled yourself well. So proud!

Katie said...

I'm just glad that Sully is finally behind bars.

Betsy said...

Steve suggests that you should have sprayed him anyway, kicked him in the groin and THEN called the cops!! That being said, glad you are okay and good thing you are one smart cookie! Well done!