Friday, November 7, 2008

Puppy Porn.

I frequently check the links that people post on their gchat sites. More often than not, (given my nerdy friends) the best I can hope for by following these links is a thoughtful editorial or some clever dig at a republican. But given the many hours I have to spend in front of a computer I click on them anyway. Thanks to Colleen, all of that changed today.

Not since Christian the Lion has something so thoroughly warmed my heart. It's like a little gift waiting for me inside my computer to distract and transport me from a world of cubicles and fluorescent lights into puppy heaven.


laura said...

this is truly wonderful! thank you for sharing this carly. today's technology always amazes me. first the hologram on CNN and now this! what kind of puppies are these? could one of these be your new pooch?

Carly said...

they are little shiba inus or something like that. little japanese furball puppies (so says wikipedia). while i will not be getting one of these pooches, the video has made me consider getting 6 puppies as opposed to just 1.