Monday, August 11, 2008

Up Up and Away

I realize I have taken a bit of an extended hiatus...please forgive me. All of my creative juices have been diverted to other areas lately and this here blog has been the main victim. But I AM BACK.

In the past, I have tried to steer these little posts away from being cynical rants- I can restrain myself no more. The source of my ire is shared by so many it has almost become cliche, but I just can't keep quiet anymore. These flipping airlines have gots to go! I would like to detail here all of things I would like to do to airline executives and the TSA, but I don't need to have all future flights include my being detained endlessly in that plexiglass box.

I was in Chicago this past weekend visiting friends and family which meant I had to subject myself to the mercy of the airline industry (United in this particular instance...but they are all indistinguishably miserable). I remember,when I first started traveling abroad, how there just seemed to be crowds and lines everywhere. And in America things seemed orderly, calm, and easy. Well now I can find that mass chaos of crowds and confusion right here in Philadelphia!! It is no longer possible to be a civilized human on a plane...the stakes are just too high. Whereas, once I would gladly be the last person on the plane to spare myself the rush to hurry up and wait on that little connector thing. Those days are gone!! In order to attain coveted overhead storage space (packed now b/c of baggage restrictions) one must can all that one can to get on to that plane as soon as possible, whatever the cost. This new law of the land was demonstrated by the 50 year old dude who pushed me out of the way to get in front of me for the 8 feet separating me and the ticket agent.

The flight home was no treat either. Thunderstorms in Philly caused a cancellation of my flight and an automatic rebooking on the 6am flight this morning. Great way to start the week!!

The weekend was fun though and I will be back with sunnier posts real soon. Just had to share.


Unknown said...

I decided to read your blog as a little treat before getting on the phone to fight with Jetblue over the email I recieved this weekend that said "your flight has been recheduled from a direct flight at 5pm to a connecting flight at 2pm for the same price" and it just fired me up even more. This is way I am such a huge supporter of railroads.

Carly said...

They are total hateful bastards. Do not let yourself be a victim, kitten!! give em hell.