Wednesday, August 20, 2008

What Would Oprah Do?

Over the last few months, I have perfected the arts of cynicism, whining, complaining, griping, and general belly-aching. My displeasure with my job has given me ample opportunity to perfect these skills. Then yesterday I read this article about a woman who has decided, for one year, to live her life like Oprah. Now, this broad seems totally bat shit crazy to me, but I thought maybe there is something to learn here. What if, instead of complaining for the 1,000th time about the unpleasantness I face at work everyday, I took a moment and thought to myself "What Would Oprah Do"?

Oprah, it turns out, has many tools to rely on during times of stress and uncertainty. She has Maya, Nelson, Gayle, and of course Maria Shriver...all of whom offer some level of Get Better Guru-ness. Luckily for me, Oprah, and her fellow spiritually fulfilled folks put their tricks of the trade on the Internets. Google can show me the way to enlightenment!

Of all of the Oprah-endorsed books that guarantee inner peace, I was most intrigued (much the same way I am intrigued by people who work at Whole Foods with those wooden discs in their ears) by The Secret. This gem of wisdom was penned by a former TV producer, obvious credentials for instructing people on how to live their best lives. The gist of it is: if you think/visualize positive things they will happen. You have to go about life thinking that what you want is already real. That's it, all you have to do is want it enough in your mind and sooner or later it will materialize in real life. The flip side of that, of course, is that if something bad happens to you like say war or an incurable disease than maybe your just weren't thinking enough positive thoughts.

All I can say is I love my new job, puppy, car, and vacation home so much I could almost burst.


Unknown said...

Anyone else think Kitten only choose this topic to guilt her roommate into letting her get a puppy?

Ross Gibson said...

You've gone off the deep end, sister -- let me reel you back in. Depressed, stay-at-home moms whose husbands are cheating on them = watch or record Oprah every day, even the repeats = believe in the power of The Secret. It's marketing genius - don't fall for it.

Carly said...

if oprah says it, i believe it. it's as simple as that. stop trying to deny me true happiness, ross.

Ross Gibson said...

Do you believe that Tom Cruise has brainwashed Katie Holmes and he is truly a homosexual? I do. Oprah genuinely supports that union; therefore, she supports SCIENTOLOGY. Scientology, Carly! You're on the train and that's the next stop. And I do want you to be happy. xoxoxoxo, Ross