Friday, March 20, 2009

A.O. Scott Finally Gets It Right

Today is the first day of Spring. Although, it was snowing a touch this morning my excitement has not lessened. I am ready to retire my coats and spend longer outdoors than just the time it takes to walk, shivering, to and from work. I am looking forward to an end to this workweek and a sunshine filled weekend in the country.

I can think of no better way to get things started than spending Friday evening with my gal J. Ro. Jules has a new movie out tonight, and while I love all of her films, this one was apparently enough to make even that insufferable A.O. Scott crack a smile. A little dose of romance and espionage in the city and then to the country for food, family, and dogs!

Stay tuned for the review!

1 comment:

Camille said...

ahahaha... you said "insufferable".