Monday, May 19, 2008

Numero Uno

Either out of ignorance or sub-concious resistance I have stayed away from blogs (both reading and writing)...until recently. My cross-over to the dark side has been quick and complete. What started as reading posts on quickly evolved into visiting Bitten several times a day. The New York Times, though good, could not fulfill my needs forever. Within days it seemed I was clicking and linking all over the place (while trying not to feel like a lame blog voyeur). My workday begins with a cup of coffee and a quick tour of some of my favorites (still not at the point where I can admit what those are without feeling like the girl who knows details of the cool kids because I listen intently to their conversations a couple seats down at the lunch table).

I recently said to a friend that I would like to have a blog but then quickly remembered I don't really like sharing feelings and such. I have come to realize, though, that this is my blog and it can be about whatever I want (being the boss is the bomb). And with a healthy dose of anonymity, name changing, and lying I can have it without feeling too exposed.


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