Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Reducing Waste, One Beer at a Time

I got a request from the Poopster to post about the confounding problem of vacuums losing their suction today. I have no answer to this and a quick google search for "no more sucking" took me to places I need not go.

So, I have instead decided to embark on the exploration of why one can't order a half beer. Many restaurants allow half orders of pasta dishes, we are given the option of a cup or a bowl of soup, and salads usually come in large or do glasses of juice for that matter.

Last night I ordered up a full-size Stella and it was delicious. When it was finished, neither my palette nor my thirst were sated. But I only wanted a little more, just enough to get me through my meal. But alas, I was forced (out of lack of alternatives) to order a full Stella, of which I drank only half. Not good when one is as environmentally conscious and mindful of waste as I am (and you should be too) daily struggles are just too much to bear sometimes. I will now go find something much graver and more serious to worry about.

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