Wednesday, June 25, 2008

He Needs to Get a J-O-B, Just Like Everybody Else

I finally gave up on my commitment to complete my $25 chic lit impulse bye. I saw no need to impose such suffering upon myself during what is supposed to be a leisure activity. Instead, I have moved on to David Sedaris' new book "When You Are Engulfed in Flames". Like his other books, it is a collection of essays so it is great for reading just a little bit at a I did today during my lunch. I was sitting outside, enjoying the lovely weather, and reading about Mr. Sedaris' field trip to the county morgue. It was as fascinating as it was disgusting.

I have a tendency to be pretty engrossed in what I am reading, usually to the exclusion of everything else that is going on around me. This habit has caused me to nearly miss a flight while sitting directly next to the ticket agent. Today, though, I think I reached new heights in realizing the transcendent powers of reading (those monks could really learn quite a bit from me). I was sitting on some steps outside when right across the street (25 ft. maybe) a full blown crime went down. A guy tried to steal a lady's purse and was then tackled to the ground by 2 on-lookers whom were quickly joined by police. I just kept on reading. I realized something was afoot only when a movie-like flood of people began leaving their lunch perches to get a closer view of the scene.

I joined too. It was there I learned that initial reports of gunfire (overhead as people were whizzing past me) were unfounded. Floored by the audacity of this mid-day heist, the public had many comments. The most astute of which was 'you don't steal purses. he needs to get a j-o-b, just like everybody else'. word.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank god you're back!! I missed you yesterday... I think I might need to get a l-i-f-e.