Friday, June 13, 2008

If the Shoe Fits

Last night I got a call from bride-to-be Brie who asked me to help her out with some wedding planning issues. Instead of being delegated to do something lame (though I would have done it anyway, i promise) I was charged with picking out the bridesmaid's footwear! A fabulous assignment which I was sure I could tackle with savvy and style. I was well prepared for the task as I spend an inordinate amount of time during my workday doing online window shopping. I love cruising through and filling up my shopping cart with abandon as I go. I usually don't end up buying anything (well, except for maybe today when I did) but it is really satisfying nonetheless.

So the shoe goal was great. I had specific criteria to meet and I think I did it. Fashionable, occasion appropriate, and reasonably affordable. I hope I get mentioned in the wedding program!


Ross Gibson said...

I was really expecting at least 10 comments or so on what great taste you have and how any bridesmaid would be lucky to strap those beauties on....

Oh, and this isn't Ross, it's Brie. Since Baby Brie failed to distinguish herself as such, to avoid confusing your readers, I am just using Ross' gmail info. And I don't have a gmail account.

Carly said...

i got really excited that I would be able to count rossome among my devoted readers. oh well, glad you're here too, Brie.