Tuesday, June 10, 2008

I Have Never Been So Tired

On account of my debilitating fatigue I am just going to post a quick little something. I realize that this blog is a partnership and that I must keep up my end of the bargain here.

I would like to say for starters that it is hot as balls here in Philadelphia. I took a cab home from the train station tonight and thought it best to have him drop me at Wawa so I could pick up some ice cream. I need something to take the edge off!

Hmmm...other than that I have been thrown headlong into Facebook. I initially joined it much as I did MySpace: reluctantly and only so I could spy on others. I don't know if its my blogging or generally increased cyber social-savvy...but I have really been getting into it! And it has been so nice exchanging notes with people whom I know I would have never spoken to again otherwise. so yay facebook!! What's the deal with linking my blog to facebook? How does one do that? Is that normal, or would it be viewed as what it actually is: a desperate attempt to see a spike in my google analytics numbers????


Unknown said...

Oh, a new facebook recruit! Be aware facebook viewing can seriously effect your life. I know I have lost countless hours viewing photo albums of friends, I knew way back when. My only advice is to avoid adding too many "applications" to your page.

Carly said...

Camille, I only have time for job applications these days. The techie stuff will have to wait!

Briebolger said...

Um. You will bring your psycho level up a whole notch if you do that.